Really! You are a HERO.
Why? Because you’ve decided to change your marketing perspective and implement full inbound marketing by yourself. You’ve accepted a huge CHANGE and not everyone can do that.
It is great to see another valuable FRIEND join our community.
So before we send you the ColdAd™ DIY Inbound Marketing Course, we need you to follow these two very easy steps.
Step 1
Add [email protected] to your email program’s white list or “safe sender” list. If you don’t, the emails might end up in your spam filter.
Step 2
Check your mail box (and junk folder) for an email from us. We need to be 100% sure that we have the right email address so we don’t send the package to the wrong person.
If you don’t receive an email in the next 15 minutes, check your spam folder/junk folder. If you still can’t find it, please email us right away at [email protected]
We look forward to hearing your comments about our course.
– The ColdAd™ Team