If you are an online marketer, you need to know some important tools to measure your marketing campaign. In this post, I would like to introduce a user friendly and powerful website to measure your website loading time.
If you are developing a website and you want to test the load time, Pingdom is the best tool for the job. This website can calculate the load time, file size and file priority of the server. By testing your web page, you can understand:
- The number of requests done to load your page;
- How much every visit of your page will use your bandwidth;
- How long it takes for your page to be loaded from different cities;
- Which files are slow and which create a bottleneck;
- What your load speed grade is.
And they have a specific section, dedicated to recommendations in order to help you discover your page’s performance and weaknesses. At “Page Analysis” you will find a full report of load time with regards to your page. Such as: “Time Spent per State”, “Time Spent per Content Type” and “Requests per Content Type”.
In addition, this service is absolutely free!
Good info. I would suggest adding GotSiteMonitor.com to the article. It also gives user 5 free website monitors with 5-minute monitoring interval from multiple locations.