Attract Right People & Maintain Long Term Relationship
The Inbound Marketing Methodology

These methods were termed “outbound marketing” strategies and they are widely accepted as the norm. However, with the increase in both search engine traffic and social media awareness, customers are “tuning out” (or in some cases “opting out”) of these advertising practices. Customers are talking to each other and to the companies that interest them.
Customers are more involved and personally invested in searching out products and services. They are turning away from TV and radio, and ignoring telemarketing and direct mail efforts.
Inbound marketing is a new method of attracting customers: by letting them find you first! They are looking for information, quality and assurance before they go on to purchasing. And they’re out there searching every second of the day.
By producing blogs, podcasts, videos, eBooks, eNewsletters, whitepapers, etc., a company increases its presence on the Internet and surfaces at the top of customer searches on search engines. But by having a website specifically designed to capture visitor information, a company can analyze its customers long before they make a purchase.So while Inbound Marketing may seem the cure-all, it’s not. It is a vital companion to traditional Outbound Marketing, not an end unto itself.
You may be vigilant about the information and “hard” selling your company sends out. But you should also be aware of the traffic coming to your site and deal with the visitors properly.
Why Inbound Marketing?
Also, not all people are at the same stage of the buying cycle. About 44% of online shoppers begin by using a search engine; (PowerReviews) so they need to be informed about the product before making a decision. Examining the statistics, you will find that Internet users worldwide conduct 2,900,000 searches per minute. The question is how many of those searches feature your website? (Ramer)
In addition, focusing on only Internet based “push” advertising is simply not resourceful. Pay-per-click ads (PPC) on search engines and social media websites can only PUSH one lead at a time to your business. 70% of the links that search users click on are organic—not paid (McGee).

What is the Inbound Marketing Process?
Be creditable: Write weekly blog articles, optimize your posts for search engines, engage on social media channels, write as a guest on other credible websites and increase your credibility. The traffic will be generated for your website.
Be knowledgeable: You need to know more about your anonymous visitors. At least capture their emails. So offer them some valuables such as premium contents or gifts in exchange for their contact information. For every single offer and for every single campaign, you need at least one separate landing page with a form. Convert your visitors to leads!
Be in touch: Be easily available to your prospects so they are able to find you, share your content or contact you. Send follow up emails, newsletters and also promotions. Stay in touch on social media. Manage your relationship with your customers (CRM), keep your prospects / clients mind always fresh about your brand. Convert your leads to loyal customers.
Begin (again): Measure and analyse everything. Keep track of all your key indicators parameters (KPIs). Evaluate what you did and adjust your progress. And begin again the process.